Thursday, October 15, 2015

I call these Apple A Day Works - 

like an apple a day helps to keep us in good health; a quick work at the 
start of each day teaches me so much 
and keeps me aware of  the color, design 
and shape of my art.

This morning I had the good fortune to paint with a friend. We enjoyed looking at each work and figuring some things out. It's always so nice to get together with other artists. I learn so much...

Here's a 45 stroke 6 x 8 I worked on this morning. These are a really great warm up and they make me think about the economy of my brushstroke and mark. I usually think for a minute or two before beginning these, so I can find interesting focal points ahead of time. With all my limited palette laid out I begin and count strokes while working - hard to do for me so early in the morning, I tell ya. This palette was terra rosa, cad red, raw sienna, pthalo blue, and white. I love doing these exercises; they go quickly, and I make every brushstroke count for form and value. Again, no expectations with these daily works, just concerned with what I can learn.

45 stroke painting, grapes and candleholder

About to cook supper and then its framing tonight for this charcoal piece. These two gentlemen were talking one day in the park. I did some sketching on site and managed to get a single photo to make refinements. Love their expression...all for now. Thanks so much for stopping by. Peace and Health

The Conversation, charcoal and coffee on about 12 x 16 paper

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