Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Larger Essentials...

Balsamic and Citrus, 8 x 8 oi on panel - 60 minute sketch
I enjoy a quick study in oil and the selective process involved with a 30 or 60 minute block of time. It forces me to simplify. Time is short with these exercises, so I make the best of the minutes I have and get straight to the point of things - shape, local color and value, refining only those elements time will allow.

This is not to say that all things work well or even as I'd like with each session, but confidence grows as skill increases and soon enough, I feel more in control of the painting. It's not unlike the act of creating form. By this I mean, the flat circle must become more like a sphere before it can resemble an orange. Whatever we do, our personal growth is very step at a time we get there.

The 45 minute study below is from summer 2016. It shows the bridge at Victoria Landing not far from my home studio in Woodstock, Georgia. I travel this bridge every day and love the area. Before starting the composition, I toned the panel with a brighter earthen color. This shows through in places and helps to balance and compliment the green foliage along the bridge. I used brush and painting knife to complete this painting.

Bridge at Cherokee Mills, oil on 6 x 6 wood panel

A recent study for a portrait commission. It's an honor to render this drawing...such a beautiful dog.
Thanks for stopping by. I invite you to visit me at

Enjoy the day.
Peace and Health all -

Study of Bear for Holiday Commission, charcoal on toned paper

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