Friday, November 6, 2015

Apple A Day Works

an apple a day helps keeps us in good health - a quick work at the start of each day teaches me and keeps me aware of the color, design and shape of my art.

Lighthouse, 6 x 8 oil on canvas
Who loves the coastline? No matter the location, I enjoy the rocks, sand and water. Give me a spot by the water with paint box and a good every time. If only I had more opportunity to visit these places. :)  
As much as I love the water, painting it certainly makes me think hard. I find knives helpful with bodies of water. They work nicely for laying broad values of paint down.
For shallow water I rely more on energetic marks or brushstrokes and for deeper waters I often use those broad strokes with a large flat brush or the painting knife. A softer edge at the horizon helps to give the illusion of distance.
I have to remember that water in lakes or rivers is affected by the environment, lush green foliage, sand and rocks. They tend to be green in color; the deeper the water the greener the value. Although I don't tend to use black on my palette very often, I find that Mars or Ivory Black mixed with a yellow gives a nice natural looking green. Reds are a nice compliment when mixing, they warm up my greens. 

Lake Sketch, 8 x 10 oil on canvas

Today's value study in charcoal - good information for work in oil. Getting an idea of values - the varying degrees of light and dark areas - will help me better determine those same values in oil. I find these more important than color.

Value Study of River, charcoal on 9 x 12 paper

That's all for now. Thanks for taking time to stop by. Have a great weekend...
Peace and Health


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