Friday, October 30, 2015

Apple A Day Works

an apple a day helps keeps us in good health - a quick work at the start of each day teaches me and keeps me aware of the color, design and shape of my art.

I love the white tin painted here. It's a can that I saved and primed with watered down gesso. I've painted and drawn it a few times now, in different ways. I tried it out again today and decided to do just a half hour study to see if I could get sufficient information down in a short time. The grapes seemed a nice contrast and offered nice blues and purples in the way of reflected light on the can. 
When painting with white I try to be mindful of how it reflects all the colors of the light spectrum, so in order for me to paint a convincing white, I need to be able to paint subtle color shifts. In truth, convincing whites are actually pretty colorful. Just good practice and I think this study will really work to inform me when I return to this in oil. And I will... :)

White is Colorful, oil on 6 x 8 panel

A charcoal drawing with the can is here. It's always a great practice item for me in terms of color, shape and value. I love the irregular side, really makes me think.

White Tin with Pear and Grapes, charcoal on 12 x 24 paper

Today was my deadline for getting paperwork to North Light Books for the Strokes of Genius publication. I'm so glad to get this finished up - there were days when I thought I wouldn't be able to get a proper Raw image ready by the November deadline. Feels good to have this done.

While I was out today, I shopped for materials. Paint was on my list and I always make comparisons among the brands I like. Gamblin is a favorite, but the cost can be hard to live with at times. That said, as I was headed to the check out I saw a new line of paint by Gamblin. This 1980 line is half the price of regular Gamblin paints. Before making the decision to purchase, I looked them up on line in store and was satisfied enough with the write up to give them a try. I'll let you know what I think...but here's a link to their page.

A sketch from today...this little dark-haired girl was in Marietta and too precious to pass by. That's all for now. Thank you for stopping by and enjoy your Friday all. Peace and Health -

Dark-Haired Girl, charcoal on about 12 x 12 paper

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